Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Quest continues.....

1/31/13 The physical quest. The spiritual quest. What about those on a quest for emotional healing?
Considering that question one week after THE event.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Quest

1/30/13 Most of us are on a quest of some kind. 
Recently, I’ve been on a physical quest. I’ve been in pursuit of healing coupled with answers to all kinds of medical questions. In this endeavor, I have discovered that such a pursuit needs to be intentional. Not only is the right equipment required, but it is also crucial to have a guide, close at hand, to help execute the exercises correctly. The PT knows what’s best for each individual. He’s read the text. He understands the best way for me to attain my intended purpose. He knows why I am there!
Equipment for physical health

As I’m studying to teach Ecclesiastes, I am clearly seeing that my spiritual pursuit needs to handled in much the same way as my physical one. No plop and drop method with my Bible---- hoping for the right verse to jump out----but an intentional study of God’s Word. Along with the Bible there’s other material to equip me and to help me better understand the teaching therein. Great strengthening comes from my daily exercise of being in His word. But it is also crucial that I am guided in this pursuit by the One who understands the text. Therefore, I pray for guidance from the One who fully understands the words because that One inspired the text.

Equipment to aid spiritual health
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; (2 Timothy 3:16)
My quest, in both instances, is to lean not to my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5) but to trust the ones who truly know to guide me in my pursuits.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Dancing thru the puddles from recent storms"

1/29/13 Hearing these lyrics recently.....
If I had no voice, If I had no tongue, I would dance for you like the rising sun. And when that day comes and I see your face. I will shout your endless glorious praise.
I searched out the entire song, "You Are". (And downloaded it from iTunes)The words seemed to speak to my heart as I continue to "work" through some "storms" right now! Let me rephrase that---as I try to dance through these storms----just trying to praise God as I dance in the residual rain and puddles of several recent storms. Once again the Lord will turn my mourning (& fear) into dancing & clothe me with gladness----I know He will. (Psalm 30:11) Click the screen and enjoy----and even dance around if you choose!
When I can’t find the words to say how much it hurts You are the healing in my heart When all that I can see are broken memories You are the light that’s in the dark Chorus: You are the song, You are the song I’m singing. You are the air, You are the air I’m breathing You are the hope, You are the hope I needed. You are And when my circumstance leaves me with empty hands. You are the provider of my needs. When all my dirtiness has left me helpless. You are the rain that washes me.

Monday, January 28, 2013


1/28/13 Entering the bathroom (designated crime scene by Memphis police) I saw that my small silk travel jewelry pouch had been dumped on the countertop. Mostly just scattered pieces. My heart stopped because I didn’t see my “FAITH” necklace that daughter, Molly, had given me before my ’08 Mexico mission trip.
Heartsick. “What Faith Can Do” lyrics (Kutless) came to my mind. “Gotta face the clouds to see the silver lining.” Similar to “dancing in the rain when storms come.”
Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing
Turning, I saw the “sparkle” in the sink---my necklace and a Revlon fingernail file.

A silver faith necklace left behind was my silver lining.

As the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith,” (Luke 17:5) I think the Lord is using this home burglary trial to increase my faith. As James 1:2-4 states it, ”test my faith in a way that produces endurance that such endurance might have its perfect result, that I might be perfect, and complete, lacking in nothing."

Sunday, January 27, 2013

SABBATH SNAPSHOTS: ENTERTAINMENT--- my 1,000th blog entry. Where has time gone?

This past week had grandson, Owen, staying with us while his parents were in Atlanta---part business & part anniversary celebration. To say that Owen is not a morning person is putting it mildly. But God.....created birds. (Genesis 1:20-23) Red-shouldered hawks. The one who has taken up residence in our neighborhood provided morning entertainment that helped Owen ease into his day.
From tree top..... patio perch.....
....before turning his back on us....
....& jumping to the the ground..... walk around the grandboys climbing magnolia tree......
.... 'til flying off with a raucous  goodby!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

"All a-dither"

1/26/13 "All a-dither" was a term used by "older" folks in my small town in my growing up years. In particular I think my grandmother, "Gena" Adams, used to get all in a dither over my mother's flamboyant ways. It's a term that could have described me yesterday---one day after THE home invasion. All caps THE indicates it was a very personal home break-in. It had indeed left me "all of a  dither"---an idiom from a Middle English word didderen, to tremble. My outward demeanor might not have manifested that behavior but my inner self certainly felt shaky and weak.
Dither---my actions in blue---because I think blue might be the color for a "funk mood"
  • in a flutter or tizzy, (walking in circles or from room to room with no apparent direction)
  • in a state of tremulous agitation, (feeling irritable and sad all at the same time
  • to be unsteady in purpose or action, as from loss of courage or confidence, (stymied by indecision so nothing of purpose was accomplished)
  • to be nervously irresolute in acting or doing, (couldn't decide door choice for replacement
  • a state of indecisive agitation (inability to make decisions greatly frustrated me)

But God....whose Word always reminds me to "fret not," Dotsy, had a plan for me. First, lots of encouraging calls with offers of help, invitations for a "secure" place to sleep, and emails with prayers. Secondly, he had me up early for my Saturday prayer time, so routine for me that I didn't have to decide anything. That time has been assigned/decided for me for over 17 years now.
Once seated with Bible open, and assuming that fretting was akin to dithering, I chose to stay in my prayer chair for several hours. 
In my marginalia of Ecclesiastes 4:5-6, I had written (in 1991) that "dropping out" (i.e. folding hands and giving up) is not the answer and often we need to recognize our limitations and only make modest demands on ourselves in our desire for inward peace. 
The fool folds his hands and consumes his own flesh. One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor and striving after wind.
Hopefully no more "all a-dither" days but rather days with the One who is my peace and my security even when the back door is still just "rigged."

Thursday, January 24, 2013


1/24/13 This is NOT the blog I had whirring in my head as I pulled into my drive and saw what once had been my carport entry door--open with pieces of wood hanging down. At closer glance I saw hinges and splinters all over the floor. And then I knew......
I ran next door while calling hubby and my neighbor called the police.

Welcome Home doesn't feel so welcome.
Didn't they read the verse at the back door or see the cross hanging in the window?
Real emotional violation occurred when I saw the ransacked bedroom. After dumping things on the floor as they cleared the drawers the burglars even took the top drawer in its entirety. That drawer was from the chest my Great Aunt Jewel had purchased in 1906----the emptiness a constant reminder. A reminder of several irreplaceables in that drawer. The only "love" letter I had of my Daddy's written to Mother during World War II, after the birth of their son, Buddy. The gold necklace with my grandkids names on it. My watch, hubby's wedding gift. 

"Batesville" Carolyn, understood and described it as a "theft" of our security."
Margie H. understood that the loss that goes beyond the cash and the jewelry to the personal--- "especially, sentimental things that they took from you and have hurt your heart in doing so.  The people who do these kinds of things suffer from “cold hearts of stone.” 
God understands too. I'm sure there is a life lesson in this for me as I prepare to teach Bible Study in just 3 weeks. The first verse in the lesson I'm teaching at church in Ecclesiastes 3:16 reads:
Furthermore, I have seen under the sun that in the place of justice there is wickedness and in the place of righteousness there is wickedness.
Though Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 14 is not part of my lesson assignment, I think I will definitely incorporate it into my lesson.
The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: (A)fear God and (B)keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.

Violation is the wickedness that happened at my house today between 10:45 and 11:45 am. 
But God.....can use it for good. (Romans 8:28)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I prayed "your" proverb for you today. You and your Daddy share the same Proverb so I've been praying Proverbs 22 for LOTS of years. I prayed several verbs for you to focus on from 10 + of the verses. 
Choose....a good name. Remember the Lord. Fear the Lord & gain humility. Keep away from paths of the wicked. Share with the poor. Love a pure heart. Speak with grace.Pay attention to wisdom. Apply heart to wise teaching. Have wisdom on lips. Be honest. Speak truth. Serve that your TRUST MAY BE IN THE LORD.
1st Day pre-school, 2005 
Pre-kdg. heritage trip to Memphis with Daddy, 2007
Books inspire action, 2008
Big Water 2009
Spring Break in Memphis 2012

Skiing Monarch, CO---2011

It blesses my heart to know that you walk in truth.
Hope you have a blessed birthday. I love you. Shug, your "blogging" grandmother.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration 2013---A Meditation for the USA

Lost URL citation but I believe this is a getty image
1/21/13 Just hours ago President Barack Obama re-took the oath of office for President of the United States (publically) His wife Michelle held both Martin Luther King's Bible and Abraham Lincoln's Inauguration Bible as President Obama placed his hand atop them and swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Yesterday, He took this same oath with his hand on the Robinson family Bible. Joe Biden took his oath of office for vie-president with his hand on the Biden family Bible. Earlier today the Obama's attended services at St. John's Episcopal. I'm sure there are Bibles in the pews there as well. All of these Bibles would have 2 Chronicles 7:14. It's the verse I will pray today for our country, including a prayer for those 2 leaders to find that verse and use it for meditation as well.
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Seeking God in humility and prayer is worthy of meditation on this Inauguration Day.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


1/20/13 Ironically, this time last week I had posted daffodils blooming early because of warm temps. Ah-h-h weather change---just a part of living in Memphis. Keeps us all on  our toes.
 Views outside Results Physiotherapy where I stayed warm with exercise as I stared out the window during our icy weather.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


1/19/13 I am in pursuit of  gleaning "knowledge" on life's purpose from the book of Ecclesiastes. I have learned that this book of the Bible is not often preached from the pulpit because it is difficult to understand. I concur. Yet, I have been assigned a portion (Eccles. 3: 16-4:16) to teach for our women's Heart to Heart Bible study group. a stack, 
     there a stack, 
          everywhere a stack, stack! Of books, that is.
First and foremost I have my Bible  but as I write down my THOTS (Trusting Him On This Scripture /Subject) & I read other writings for further info.
Will share other gleanings from Ecclesiastes as I gather them.
From a great intro, I have learned that one should NOT let what you don't understand from God's word, rob you of what you do understand. I also realize that an overview helps, because if I don't read to the end of the book, I could easily teach out of context in my small section. I could be "stuck" in the scoffer or cynic mode with a "slanted" view of life. Meaningless. Futile. An unending, never satisfying pursuit. But God......"shows up" in the last chapter. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

As Ray Stedman says, "Contentment and joy are gifts fo God: they come to people who take life daily, whatever it may bring, from the hand of a loving Father." (Is This All There Is to Life?, 1999)

It's God who brings meaning to life.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


1/15/12 Some doorways are more inviting than others.These entryways just seem to say, "Come on in." One such doorway is on my walking route and I love to watch the "inviting" seasonal changes. From stacked pumpkins and  Christmas decor, they often get me thinking about the importance of being welcoming---even in my own demeanor. Outwardly, what am I exhibiting to others?

When I walked past "the" entry Saturday, I was charmed with all the girly fluff. Later in the day, the street was filled with many who were "invited in." The baby was turning one.
They even had pink buckets to hold the umbrellas. Wet weather did not diminish the BIG event one bit.
Truly adorable---Today Miss A is officially 1 !

What a celebration! This young Christian couple celebrates life's moments and allows others to see their joy. What a testimony to God's goodness.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Knowing God: think on that

 1/14/12 This past week, Ephesian 3:19 my choice verse for meditation this year had me considering "know the love of Christ" and "filled up to all the fulness of God"
Friend & prayer warrior, Wynellen prayed it for me though she went back to verse 17 which reminded me of "being rooted and grounded in love."
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (NIV)
To me knowing God begins in that love----to know that love fills me with all the fulness of God. These past weeks I have desired such prayers as I desperately needed to fully know His love. To know Him better. To experience the joy of knowing Him."There is no greater joy" and yet, I was struggling in the "joy" category. Circumstances, both physical and emotional. were weighing me down. To those closest to me, my life was NOT showing the great value of knowing Him.

I know this because as the pastor quoted Jim Elliot, I felt God tugging at my heart strings.

"Lord, make my way prosperous not that I achieve high station, but that my life be an exhibit to the value of knowing God.” (Jim Elliot, missionary)

That's my prayer. "Lord, may my life exhibit the incomparable value of knowing You!"

Sunday, January 13, 2013


1/13/13 What's Wrong with This Picture??? These daffodils (buttercups, to kids everywhere) with bright yellow blossoms and their trumpet shaped centers are perfect. No surprise there.
The surprise is the date!!! These spring-blooming perennials bloom after winter is over and this picture was taken January 12 and a few of the blooms opened even before that!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thru the seasons of friendship…..

1/12/12 From faculty wives' meetings and Campus School PTA to weddings and births of grands, there are some friendships that just span generations along with several house moves. Sally is such a friend. A friend in the faith. Hubby still pesters her for her strawberry salad which is his fave. She brought it to him in 1974 after the diving tragedy. It was one of the few things he could even eat because his grief was so deep. She and I have also shared “C” journeys, though hers was much worse than mine.
Nowadays we share the “funeral factor” as we have buried our parents. But how blessed to be there with each other during those times. Today I had the privilege of being on “kitchen crew” at her house just as she did for me when Larry’s folks passed away. Her daddy, Frank Smith, was such a fine man and a great storyteller, so it was a privilege to “man” the kitchen in his honor…. and fun to laugh at the precious retelling of little Mason’s comment, “My grandpa’s in that box right there, but his soul is in heaven.” Smart youngster!

That’s what friends are for…..being there---in every season of life, especially the hard ones.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The best part of waking up is.....

1/10/13 .....! We all know the rest of that jingle---at least Folgers hopes we do. But for me, today the best part of waking up was Bewley's in my cuppa. I love black tea, especially Assam or Darjeeling. Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea is a combo of the two. Plus, though I usually limit my caffeine intake, I knew the day ahead would require a little. Besides, recent "research" seems to show that caffeine increases memory---that's needed so that I don't forget that "The Lord has said that he would dwell in a dark cloud;"...(2 Chronicles 6:1)  Caffeine is also effective for easing depression and increasing stamina. Today's schedule warranted it.

Sometimes life can throw a few curve balls not only to one's self but also to those dear to one's heart. 

With cuppa of caffeine in one hand, the verse reminding me that the "LORD is even in the dark cloud" in my head, and Jesus Today in my traveling book bag I headed out to "face" my day. 

But God.....reminded me through entry 10 (Jesus Today, p. 23) to affirm my trust in Him as I wait hopefully......watching and seeing what He will do.
The best part of the day was Him "waking me up" to His Presence in the shadowy darkness.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


1/9/13 Until this past Sunday’s sermon, (1/13/13) I had never heard of a Thomas Jefferson Bible. According to our pastor, Jefferson created his own gospel theology by removing from his own Bible the parts he didn’t agree with, especially the “miracles.” He obviously used something sharp, maybe scissors, to cut out parts he didn’t agree with and just pasted them on blank paper. It was a pasting up his own account of Christ’s philosophy. Jefferson's own cut and paste theology. It allowed God’s Word to fit Jefferson’s own inclinations. If it didn’t fit, out it went.

As you read with mouth agape, don’t lord yourself as “holier than thou” over Mr. Jefferson. Instead, ask your self how many times you, too, have wanted to “pick and choose” the parts of the Bible that you agree with and then dismiss all the rest.

Jefferson’s version created a God who would never do what Jefferson could not explain, such as a miracle. His cut and paste gave him a god who would not say “no” to Jefferson’s own wants and will.

A cut and paste god is NOT as big as the one true God of the one true Bible. (Psalm 33:4)

Monday, January 7, 2013

VERSE 2013

1/7/12 My first "Meditation Monday" verse for 2013 is the "verse" I hope to hang my hat on throughout the year.  A verse I will seek to ingest as a part of my discipline of "Scripture Intake." The verse I will pray for others. The verse I hope others will pray for me. Ephesians 3:19 is the scripture with the version citation following the verse. Different translations are listed to offer food for thought and to increase one's "appetite" for meditation!
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (NLT)
and to know this love that surpasses knowledge--that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (NIV)
And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. (The Message, MSG)

Sunday, January 6, 2013


1/6/13 For years, at least 40, I have espoused the importance of reading aloud! How blessed I was this past week to hear my son reading aloud to 4 of his sons---my precious grands, who all listen in their own way. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I prayed “your” Proverbs 3 for you today, especially verses 5-6 & 20-23.
Enjoy your "Wii dance 4“ birthday!
I love you. Shug, your “Dancing Granny” 
6 months
2 years
4 years

7 years

Almost 9

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Blog, Under Consideration.....

1/2/12 .....or....Blog, under construction. Along with considering my verse for the year----with leanings toward one in Ephesians, I began to question my blog rationale, design and random posting schedule. Why am I still writing? Should I have exact days to post? Is "Seeing God's Hand" an integral part of the format? Is "Seeing God's Hand" of benefit to readers or is it just a spiritual diary of sorts for me? If so, has it outlived it's purpose since I'm no longer "cancer ridden" and my physical health  update platform is no longer needed?
Sometimes I struggle with that "suppose to be daily" aspect of the blog. It's hard to be relevant for others when it's just my personal stuff. SGH's postings, this past month in particular, have been difficult? Is that a sign to reformat?
As these thoughts whirled, I opened my "God Tube" jottings from last weekend to this sentence.
We can look for God’s hand and miss His heart, but we will never miss His hand when we listen for His heart. (God Tube, 12/29/12)
Conviction was immediate followed by more "spiritual" consideration. Though the answer isn't immediately clear---an action plan of Matthew 6:33 could lead to His conclusion for all my blog questions.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


1/1/13 HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the Liles' boys.....well almost!

There he is!
Out from under the hat.