The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof...(Psalm 24:1a)
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.
And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:12)
As my mother and grandmother before me, I have been blessed with friends who share slips, dividing and cuttings of flowers, and trees and bushes with other terms of propagation, I don't even know. (in water, in dirt, in perlite, "buried") Others have "gifted" me---son Josh with my Mother's Day cherry tree 30 years ago and Daddy's white dogwood tree, given by dear, dear, friends in 2011.
But.....sharing from their own gardens---their green thumb should shine in heaven.
- Mother--"pinks" and baby's breath
- Mama Davenport--snowball bush originally from Hampton Station, KY & growing in 2 more spots before winding up in my yard
- Mommar's day lilies--mother-in-law
- Beth and JoLynn's hostas--from Tuscany Way
- Mrs. Neely's 4 o'clocks--former "elderly" neighbor
- Wynellen's phlox and butterfly bush--former neighbor
- Mimi's Lenten Roses & Solomon's Seal--GAC swim buddy and "round the block" neighbor
- Jerrie's big green and yellow unknown variety, 365 friend & more
- Winslow's Louisville KY goose neck--high school chum & college roomie
- Lynda's assorted perennials and ferns--master gardener and next-door neighbor, along with lots of "much needed" advice.
Even FL friend, Julie provided (when she moved to DC) a variety of patio pots and a "weathered bird" art which I love.
....the world and they that dwell there in. (Psalm 24:1b)
All of those who dwell in God's world and have crossed my garden path, or lack there of, have generously blessed me with their " great" green thumbs!
It's great to have a green thumb but it's even greater to share that skill with others!!