Book: When Wallflowers Dance: Becoming a Woman of Righteous Confidence
Author: Angela Thomas A Springboard for "Dancing with the Lord" Discussions
There is….a time to dance….Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 (NKJV)
Last week's Dance Step "N" had each one “take notice” of God’s hand in all aspects of life. Once the "noticing" had one really looking to see the Lord's participation, there was cause to segue to the next step----"C" for celebration.
Intentionality, in looking for God's hand often results in Glory Bumps. The more we see His involvement in life, the more prevalent those "bumps" become.
Glory Bumps are similar to the goose
pimply feeling that you get when you read a Hallmark card or hear a story that
touches your heart. But “glory bumps” are more than that. Glory bumps are precipitated by an
awareness of God’s involvement--a “God thing” a "God wink"---those incidences in our lives with a spiritual
connection. Glory bumps might result from seeing a miracle
or a moving of God’s hand or just from experiencing the grand sense of LIFE
that is beyond our comprehension.
One's circumstances and situations might not change but an attitude adjustment can give a new perspective. Thanksgiving follows and a thankful heart is always a cause for celebration!
An "attitude of gratitude" helps to make even the seemingly "small" steps toward a life of abunDANCE seem worth celebrating! Dance Step "C," a dance of celebration, goes hand and hand with gratitude!
D eciding,
Delving, Discovering
(Psalm 119: 139 & 160)
A ccepting
& being Attentive (1
Thess. 2:13)
N oticing
God’s Hand in ALL Circumstances (Genesis 50:20 & Romans 8:28)
C elebrating God’s goodness and being thankful (1 Thess. 5:18)
Finding great summation notes in the front of a "used copy from Amazon" of a study book, could cause "glory bumps" if one was prepping for a test!