Monday, October 1, 2012


10/1/12 Yesterday’s blog picture of a child’s word sculpture, ”Have integrity”, had me musing that phrase. What does having integrity look life in one’s life?
Then, this morning’s Commercial Appeal quote on the business page caught my eye. The way to live with honor is to be in reality what you appear to be. (Socrates, 5th century B.C.)
Noted Christian author Chuck Colson, had much the same thought. “We must be the same person in private and in public. Only the Christian worldview gives us the basis for this kind of integrity.”  
Indeed, God’s word has much to say about integrity but one verse that gives credence to these aforementioned thoughts is from Psalms. 
I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart. (Psalm 101:2)
That’s the meaning embedded in both the Socrates and Coulson quotes---where no one else sees, a person of integrity will still choose complete honesty. Ask yourself these questions to see how you fare along those lines of integrity. In the privacy of my own home……. What am I watching? Am I setting worthless things before my eyes? What am I reading? How am I using the computer? What tone of voice do I use with those who are closest to me? Is it different from the voice I use with my church friends?
Those answers will reflect your “true” walk of integrity.