Tuesday, June 1, 2010


June 1, 2010 Last week on K-LOVE radio station, the d-jay discussed a challenge that she had been given at a women’s retreat. The challenge---go a month without negativity flowing from your mouth. I had lots of reasons why this would NOT be a good month for me to “take the challenge!” How negative is that. Could I possibly inhabit a “no whine zone?” My June schedule really isn’t a good time to worry about one more thing---especially without complaining---which I can rationalize as just making a statement or observation!
But God…..hasn’t let me off the hook. Just recently my daughter had dubbed me “Debbie Downer” so I guess I need to at least try the challenge----and without the “realistic attitude” of failure. What I call “realistic,” Molly construes as negative.
I did make it out of bed this morning without a negative utterance and quickly caught a “somewhat” negative response to a question and added…..”but I’m grateful.”
Our words have such an impact. That awareness alone can make this challenge worthwhile. Philippians 4:14 says, “Do all thinks without murmurings or disputings.” (complaining or arguing/ grumbling) Those are all vocal terms with nagative implications. WOW did you see that typo---nag-a-tive---nagging is negative, as well. Harping/carping is wearisome and reckless words can cut like a razor.
So speak encouraging words to one another. (Prov. 12:18) Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. (Prov. 16:24)
Psychologists say that feelings follow actions----thus, no negative action from the mouth should influence positive feelings from within. That's a good thing, "doncha" think?
Do you want to take the challenge and live in a “No Whine Zone” for a month? If so, maybe we can encourage one another. I’ll bet those around us will be glad we did.
Let your speech always be with grace. (Colossians 4:6a)