The lessons today must be just for me b/c ljj was not available for my "practice teaching"---but oh how many times she has listened---nor were any of my 24 Hr. Fitness water buds—I would practice my lessons on them in the sauna and get feedback before I would teach my Bible study lessons. One was my dance expert, so maybe she can help me in this latest "Dance."
Word for the day is hand. I am an obedient student---someone tells me to look for God's hand, even in the little things, I start looking. In years past He sometimes has had to knock me over the head with the obvious---obvious to everyone else that is. Of course, I hate to start doing body parts b/c I'm sure there will be verses on lips or nostrils---not ready to go there in public. It was bad enough at church Sunday night to have 2 doctors picking my nose---out in the vestibule of the church, no less.
But I trust in you, O Lord; I say you are my God. My times are in your hands…..(Psa. 31:14-15)
For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear, I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Early this morning—per a request last night "to meet face to face and w/ Larry b/c we were in a different ballpark now"---Larry & I met w/ Dr. C who drew this incredible labyrinth of sorts, showing the twisty-turny path of my journey with MAC from 1st visit to different docs to input from docs world-wide to the latest change. He drew all of this out on a paper cloth that covered the round table where we sat. He said this is so "strange" and it could be seen as a bit of a tangle of intersections but………….I took the pen from him and drew in my pitiful artistic manner---a hand around all those appointments and doctors names and told him, "That's what God's hand looks like!" I've felt better ever since. BTW I have the cloth---you knew I would, didn't you!
Near the end of the day a phone conversation with my dear friend Ashley Bryan, who today won the 2009 Laura Ingalls Wilder award, lifted my spirits. When I told him how much I have been inspired by his depiction of God's hand in his book, Let it Shine: Three Favorite Spirituals, he, in his humble way, told me how concerned he was for me and how much I inspired him.