Early on, Captain Wood taught me that inertia is the property of matter at rest to remain at rest until acted on by an outside force. (my definition from memory)
These past days, the onset of my COVID has shown me that sometimes we need more than an outward force to get us moving.
Not feeling of shame from others, who can pull up by their bootstraps. Not my own self-will. Not even words & suggestions from friends. (though much appreciated) Nothing outward has seemed to work.
So....I have remained at rest. More like zonked.
For me, my physical lagging, lack of zeal (Romans 12:11) has required an inside action.
It has been a result of being "alive with Christ." Through His strength and the prayers of many in the household of faith.
I have at least had hope that soon things would change, not by my strength or who I am, but because of His strength and who He is!
But God......in His love and mercy made me "alive with Christ." (Ephesians 4:4)
Originally this entry was written May 15. Hmmm,,,,,,obviously inertia kept me from clicking on