It could have been written TODAY---for such a time as this! A Covid 19 Pandemic times. Copyright laws prevent me from printing it all here.*
The entry began with scripture, as always. Today's was from 2 Kings 4:4.
Go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons.
My musings---
A widow with her two sons were to be alone with God. God only. Removed from their circumstances. Totally isolated. A time to get in touch with God alone---to depend on Him. God, the Source of miracles.
Analogy given was that of Christians on the treadmill of life, ordinary, predictable. A time was needed to enter a secret chamber of isolation in prayer and faith. A time for God to show us something new. Something Divine. A new pattern for life with Him.
Like the widow, "detached from outward things and attached inwardly to the Lord alone in order to see His wonders." --from Soul Food.
In my life, God isolated me during my cancer journey.(2009) God clearly spoke to me from the MAC diagnosis to a year of surgeries and treatments. I was fed by others, with a syringe through a pencil sized hole in my mouth. Hands of others liquified my food for intake.
But God.....He, Himself, fed me daily. Soul food straight from His Word.
My pattern was a D.A.N.C.E.. It's when God taught me "our" DANCE--a dance He had just for me. He became my dance partner and led me in every step. A unique dance. He was there for evey twist and turn. I kept focus---always looking up into His face and not down at my feet. (circumstances) If I did stumble, He was always there to keep me from falling headlong.(Psalm 37:24, NIV)
It became the first big step of fruit bearing for I stepped out & shared my story.
I will be forever grateful for soul food from His hand and others who became HIs hands and feet on my behalf. (Psalm 27:13, NKJV)
* For the complete God's Pattern-Streams in the Desert, click the highlight.
* For the complete God's Pattern-Streams in the Desert, click the highlight.