Fears and heart flutterings. Longer than usual time for results to be procured. Favored results not received.
Insurance hold ups to obtain further testing.
Feelings fluctuate. But God in His love and mercy has been present.....
.....the "Feels Like Forecast" has the ups and downs of a Memphis thermometer in August. But God is there! The heat index is keeping us on our toes and God is there. Sometimes we anticipate the worst. Fear feels hot. But God is there. One of the worst days had me numb, as if not only unable to face consequences but unable to feel anything or even make decisions of where God's way will take me. Numbness is nuts for a Christian!
But God's Presence and the prayers of his people are the best Hope RX!
Emotions now encouraged even though circumstances have not changed---I have, with His help & reminder from a dear friend to "choose joy."
Regardless of the forecast, "Weeping may tarry for the night, but
joy comes with the morning. (Psalm 30:5, ESV)