Sorry, “that tomorrow” came and went but here are ramblings from my “steno” as I traveled to Memphis the day after Daddy’s funeral.
- Storm clouds looming----reflective of my mood as Molly and Larry bookended me as we drove to Memphis. Molly lead and her big Explorer was easy to follow (after I had a major meltdown) Larry was following in his Jeep to pick up the pieces and protect if I got off course again.
- Molly shared from today's Jesus Calling---she read Penni Liles copy that morn. Mine was still packed in the trunk.
- Grateful that Josh & Megan were safely home in Brooklyn & that Scott Liles took Buddy to catch his EARLY flt to Dallas----not sure I could have said good-by to one more loved one & not sure I even had the energy to fight the Nashville commuters’ traffic.
- As rain streaked my windshield & tears streaked my face, Fish radio (94 FM) played “…. what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears?....”
- Recalling funeral message morsels of words that described Daddy and the emphasis that though he was a man of few words, his life spoke volumes---a man of faith, a man of more walk than talk.
- Love language Daddy shared with his kids, from pig Latin to alfalfa/wolf talk.
- Surreal feeling when arriving home---as if I had left a daughter, and came home without that tag on my identity----like an orphan, yet knowing how ridiculous that sounds because I have great memories of my earthly father and the ever Presence of my heavenly Father.
- Realizing that I still had socks he wore on Monday (6/13) before they understood he could no longer even sit up.
- That night I slept in Daddy’s socks!