Saturday, September 21, 2013


9/21/13  After reading today's Jesus Calling, I had to ask self, "Is my schedule so packed that I am unable to hear the "holy whispers" of the Lord?"
After rationalizing that is was NOT trivial stuff that was filling my calendar, but important "spiritual" matters of "my" ministry, I still  had to ask self, "Is my schedule so packed that I am unable to hear the "holy whispers" of the Lord?"

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sporadic internet access has kept me from posting so here is yesterday's entry. 

9/19/13 Thursday's plan:
Availability for prayer for a friend's surgery 2 pm.
Location Methodist University chapel.  Faith-based partnerships between God's people and the community are such a winning combination.
 Problem #1---chapel stained glass is still in same location. There's a cross----but there's NO chapel. It's as if it's walled up---or that I'm walled out.
Problem #2---the first person I asked hadn't a clue where the chapel was---or if there had ever been one.  There was a chapel. I know that. That chapel was there a little over over 9 mos. I know because I knelt at the altar as I prayed for another friend who was undergoing surgery for lung cancer.

Solution: Chapel found. Reward: A nurse came in to pray as well. What a comforting thought that is.