Serene Sabbath Readings
My QUARANTINE COLLECTION had me finishing a wild west audio book about the Navajo Indians, and an eBook by Greg Gilbert's Where is the Gospel?, which our pastor referred to a few weeks ago.
After scanning the Commercial Appeal Comics, I finished a hardcover of Nancy E. Turner's, Light Changes Everything (2019) a loaner from avid reader friend, Beth.
The story began in 1907 and took me back to the Prine family in the Arizona Territory, then to Wheaton College and back again. With the regional voice of the time, in which Turner excels, I was drawn in to this poignant and emotional story! A worthy read.
Then I picked up my current read, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer---my Mother's Day gift from son Buddy. We are reading portions of the book at a time. We will discuss the first part on June 15 and the last portion when we're together in Florida in July.
As I moved the CA cartoons and my "finished" book aside, I noticed Mason Cooley's quote from Patrick McDonald's "Mutts".
Reading gives us
someplace to go
When we have to stay
where we are.
So perfect for these times----- of quarantine.