Therefore, the chance to meet more Ukrainians was a no-brainer for me. be so thoroughly entertained by their music was a BIG blessing for me.
America the Beautiful started the performance and it was a glorious rendition! "This Little Light of Mine" and it's familiar tune was a delight to hear in their language as was the praise chorus, "Bless the Lord, Oh My Soul."
They shared fun, frolicking folk songs so easily understood even though we (at least I) didn't know the language.
Two pieces shared were composted by members of the group. An instrumental by the pianist's daughter and a hymn of prayer by one of the female vocalists. (to left in picture)
This group could sing the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "Messiah" in three languages. English. Russian. Ukrainian. GLORY!
As my heart was moved by the music, my soul was moved by the ministry of this group who go into war-torn areas in their own country and take food, medical supplies, music and the gospel message to widows, orphans and families of veterans. (James 1:27)
Acts. 6:4 was cited by the director, Wes Janzen, who clearly stated that all of their ministry is pre-ceded by prayer. A great reminder to me---an answered prayer as I have been trying to discern the ministry the Lord would have me to do as I've felt so scattered and overwhelmed lately.
"but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word."Prayer comes first! GLORY!!!
The entire night was glorious and I was blessed!