Friday, February 10, 2012

Playing with Light

2/10/12 Assignment #4 for Good Golly Mamarazzi photo workshop was "playing with light." Post workshop's assignment were offered by the teacher to keep us using the camera techniques we had learned during class. Following the description for this "in the dark" activity was a message from said instructor. "I want you to relax with this assignment.....Play with the light... see what you can create. Just have fun."
I obviously didn't have this technique "down pat" because I felt on the verge of a nervous break-down, metaphorically, at least.
To play with the light, one has to find the light. If and when the light is found, then the camera lens has to focus on the light. 
That old Hank Williams song began playing in my mind. (All about songs this week, aren't I?)
I saw the light, I saw the light
No more darkness no more light.
(____________don't know this line) 
Praise the Lord, I saw the Light.
  I couldn't see the light ----darkness surrounded me.....It wasn't incorrect aperture, or shutter speed. (those words still confuse me) I know, because teacher/daughter had set those for me.

Hubby came to the rescue. He found the light and followed my directions to "play with the light" while I stayed with the camera.

Praise the Lord---the camera "caught" the light.