8/19/10……………look at Me. (Me meaning the Lord) That’s been my customary reaction to spiritual things----sort of like a “rule.” Instead of 3 strikes you’re out, when something intersects with my life 3 times that means, a heads up for ole Dots.
As a result, I’ve been meditating in Psalm 71. This is a psalm of lament that expresses the faith of an older person, who has trusted God for many years but is still feeling attacked whether verbally or physically or both. I, as well as most folks, can understand his need for God as a refuge.
As I first began meditating on this psalm, I was indeed seeking solace---and not because of aging or gray hairs. (v. 18) My strength, both physical and emotional was spent. I was hurt. I needed a rock, refuge, Someone trustworthy on whom to lean.
On Sunday, Cole concluded his sermon suggesting this psalm for consideration---that for me was affirmation #2. I decided to camp out there a little longer. Affirmation #3 came in the Tuesday’s Upper room devotional reading, Psalm 71:17-21. God began to change my focus. He has been with me when I (Isaiah 43:2) “passed through the waters….and was not overwhelmed.” (I only temporarily felt as if I were drowning) This new focus in the same psalm reminds me that there is none like God---God who has seen me through many troubles and calamities will revive me again. Now I must continue to proclaim his wondrous deeds and ask him, “ do not forsake me until I proclaim your might to another generation.” (Psalm 71:18) My grands come to mind.
The Upper room gives a L2L (Link2Life) as way to encourage practical application of the scripture’s teaching. I’m calling mine D2D (Dare to Dance) to encourage myself and others to dare to go forth and dance (celebrate) these life truths with others. I’m going to pick up the phone and call a friend.
1,2,3….and....1,2,3……………….doesn’t it make you want to dance.