Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Simplicity TEST

6/4/13 "Simplici-TEA begins tonight. In order to allow the participants access to materials, I have "tested" adding an established a link for them from the blog. Hopefully, by clicking on the warning link below this will allow them to choose the item/items needed and then "save as" a Word document or PDF file on their own computer which they can then manipulate without changing my original. For those not in the group, items might not make much sense though they might be open at a later date to anyone interested.


Remember this is just a test.......do you feel like you should hear beeps and hear the Emergency Broadcast System of the 60s
announcer saying....."This is only a test!"


6/4/13 My "working" definition of simplicity is a freedom from worldly values which allow a person to fully embrace a life with the Lord at its center---loving Him, and loving others by blessing (praising) Him and benefitting others---which will overflow in true joy and balance in one's life. This "overflow" will be unique to every individual. This simplicity, when seen as a spiritual discipline, will manifests itself as one does the right thing, at the right time for the right reasons.

On the other hand, simplicity can freely express the diversity, imagination and creativity of each unique individual, created by God.
Art of Simpicity by Candy Paull, 2006
Art or discipline? Maybe simplicity is a little of both.