The very first word was Remind----that started those "R"s rumbling in my head again. Part of the reminder from Titus was "be ready!" God had my attention first with remind and I was rapt when a few words later, ready appeared. Rapt. (Was my rapt fascination about to "rapture" me.) BTW, Webster has rapture as an "archaic" term.....he must not have ever gone to my church. But I digress.
More R words that readily jumped off the page, into my heart and out through my praying mouth were righteousness, regeneration and renewal. Repentance was in my marginalia. I think my most comforting "r" word was an adverb, (v.6), referring to God's richly pouring out on us the Holy Spirit...richly (ESV) ie. abundantly, (NKJV) freely, (NIrV) generously (NLT)
After listing readiness ways in the first 7 verses, verse 8 states, "The saying is trustworthy..." Of course it is, it's God's word. Let's all REST in that truth!
Thanks to Lisa Dufur who shared her "R" appreciation for the original R word entry, RRRRRRRRRR with some useful "u" words. Would love for others to share as well. (underlines are mine)
I read it and I loved it. Love the U words too. Where do you get these cool ideas to worship and remind us of his Unfailing love for us? It helps Us Understand his Unlimited power which is so Uplifting.