Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Tweets are pithy. 'Cept I don't tweet. 
I get all atwitter just thinking about it. 
Blogging can be pithy, tho often mine are not----at least I can "choose pithy" as I blog today.

Pithy is often so much harder than wordiness! All wordsmith's recognize that writing hazard. Saying the most with the fewest words is more appropriate for today's hurried lifestyles.

Scripture itself supports the use of fewer, yet meaningful, words. In Job 16:3, the question is asked, "Is there no limit to windy words?" 
That's what superfluous words are like---hot air. 

More words can lead to confusion. Ecclesiastics 6:11 states, "For there are many words which increase futility."

Possibly if I choose to blog pithy entires, blog readers will be joyful!
"The teakettle is "tweeting you." (Family Circus,)
Was this one pithy enough? It took me about as long to type this as it did for my cuppa to steep.