6/19/12 Awake since 1:30
am---of course that would be like oversleeping in the Ukraine where it would be
9:30 am.
Re-adjusted hot pack on my back. Took an Advil. Prayed for others. And then:
Waiting for the morning light to shine through my trees and remembering what I heard just yesterday---
"Don't doubt in the dark, what God has shown you in the light."
So-o-o don't doubt, Dots.
Re-adjusted hot pack on my back. Took an Advil. Prayed for others. And then:
- Had visions of "squat" toilets;
- began "repacking" in my mind since large checked bag is used to take camp supplies and carry-on for clothes for 12 days, drugs, toiletries, etc. is 17 lb limit-- since my EMPTY carry-on weighs 9 lbs, what's a gal to do---shop for a new bag or hope they don't weigh it cause they never have before;
- recalled info that all "trip" seats confirmed after Memphis for everyone on team---except me,
- remembered out of town guest, pastor and his 2 kids from son's church, arrive at 7 pm tonight while packing clutters table and food still not bought;
- considered ironing "crisp" $20 bills because I had folded them and that's a "no-no" in Cherkassy, Ukraine.
"You get the idea, I'm sure" is what I just emailed to Claudia and Terry, my faithful prayer couple.
Anxious thoughts continued whirring so I've
been up seeking consolations from the Lord that would delight my soul. Seeking
"light" through His word.
Ate oatmeal around 2:30 with cranberries for fiber because everyone has told me how important that is when you travel "long distances". Began a new list.When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. (Psalm 94:19)
Waiting for the morning light to shine through my trees and remembering what I heard just yesterday---
"Don't doubt in the dark, what God has shown you in the light."
So-o-o don't doubt, Dots.