The prophets tried to learn about what the Spirit was showing them, when those things would happen, and what the world would be like at that time. It was shown (to) them that their service was not for themselves but for you, (1 Peter 1:11-12, NCV)
As the prophets of old sought to learn from God, I, too "search intently" (NIV) or as the NASB states, "with careful searches and inquiries" as I pray.....that I (and my church) might be receptive to what God would have us do.
How to serve. Where to serve. Whom to serve?
How to serve. Where to serve. Whom to serve?
I sometimes feel like my old rabbit ears on our first portable TV or even our"newer" TV digital converter box. When I have problems and can't get the signal, I have to start moving and repositioning those new fangled "ears." Channel 5 even suggested I might need "help with antenna placement."
That comment says it all. I might need "help"---even help with my spiritual ears. A little fine tuning is needed for clearer receptivity. I need to put my self in a better place in order to "pick up" the offerings.
Got it! Tweaking of "ears" to hear during prayer time will be enhanced with self situated in "prayer chair" placement and Bible open on knees to get BEST reception. Now, maybe signals from God's Spirit can come through "loud and clear."