Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mind Speed

"90 to nothing."
The term is slang, used heavily in the South. For me, it means y'ull (Southern for you will) have a millon things to do and y'ull be moving fast to get all those things finished. 
Admittedly, in our household, 11th hour is the default timing for productivity. Wait 'til the last minute. Crisis management style = most accomplished in the least amount of time. 
But....I no longer want "90 to nothing" accomplishments or productivity---I want peace. 
Peace of mind.

This little, old, streaked blonde, lady I know, way down South, talk's "90 to nothing," drives "90 to nothing", and is "90 to nothing" at everything...and I mean everything...unless she's asleep, then I imagine she dreams "90 to nothing!" When she can sleep, that is.

If  my mind is going to continue in what I see as warp speed, I need to make sure my mind is full of worthy thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)
Worthy NOT worrisome. 
An acrostic is needed. (A work in progress---help me out)