Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1/17/12 I long to clearly understand God's plan for me, especially now that I am retired. Generally I know the Lord's requirements from Micah 6:8. But.....I want specifics for ministry. Service to others. I want to hear it loud and clear. So far, I've realized His plans for me, after the fact.
Last week's BSF lesson #14 gave a verse for understanding God's guidance.
Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)
That's it----that's just what I want. His voice of direction. If I can't hear it, then I'd like to see it---something I can't miss! Like the signs at St. Jude that recently led me to the Grizzlies' House from the hospital.

You're headed in the right direction.

Keep going. Almost there.

None of the aforementioned options, verbal or visible, are occurring. So....what's a gal to do?

I will keep putting one foot in front of the other---after I've spent time with Him. Clearly directing me might not be a piece of cake for Him....but God....can use His principle of inertia on me. I am definitely one of those folks resistant to change. As long as I'm moving, maybe He can just continue to twist and turn and nudge me until I have ears to hear or eyes to see.

Maybe His "mapped out" plan for me isn't one of clear direction but one of plain ole trust.