Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Word Nerds.
Word nerds have a fascination with word usage. Many take their word nerd obsession to daily challenges with New York Times Crossword Puzzles. or on-line word games. 
Word nerds---that's what people often call wordsmiths. My hubby included. 
Prepping to lead a book discussion for an upcoming Summer Refreshment, My One Word, as well as teaching 2 lessons based on word play of "Sweet Teas of Scripture," I've been all ears for "words" to fit my needs.
Today I came across a new word, that had both positive and negative connotations for me. Sounds like life circumstances doesn't it? 

I discovered the origin for the word was Greek (peripeteia) which wasn't much help. Likewise, the synonyms in no way helped me but the "audio" pronunciation was very helpful as this word has never been in my vocabulary, literary or not.

My first notes for this entry brought to mind the way surprises in one's life can bring about complete change. Some better than others. A test showing the cancer is back has been a diagnosis faced by 3 of my close friends. An unexpected change which they are still trying to absorb.

Later today, I read a death notice of a somewhat unexpected death. The life of 3 children abruptly changed today as life, as they had known it, will now have a new normal. Life without a mother by their side.

Another friend's grandson's scholarship announcement came to mind. A college that seemed out of reach is now there for him. That's a positive and somewhat surprising change.

All of this to say, that life can change in a heartbeat or a phone call.
We are not in control. Changes, both good and bad, happen quickly and often surprisingly.
Not so for our Lord. There are no surprises for Him. All of our lives are filtered through His hands.
He never changes and His purpose for our lives is not subject to random peripety.

How blessed to rest in Him who uses peripety in our lives for His best for us.