My daily prayer list is compartmentalized in a way that would not make a bit of sense to others----but that doesn't matter as it is "my list" and tends to help my recall.
God has been gracious to help me remember what day it is and thus folks for whom I intercede on each day of the recall these days seems more difficult.
Part of my Wednesday "default" list is filled with wordsmith friends and family.
Wednesday Wordsmith Bernie has recently shared her Biblical Truths --Alliterated. Now that's right up my alley.
Acronyms. Acrostics. Alliteration.
Any literary device that helps me recall truth is appreciated.
Bernie's "P" list was thought provoking today. A great reminder that as I continue to "wait" I need to remember that the best location for waiting patiently is in His Presence. Patiently, an adverb, that needs to characterize my "waiting" journey. (Psalm 40:1)
My "pig" pottery cup led me to BE's "P" list where patience was listed.
OK, Wednesday Wordsmith Bernie, now I need some M(s).
M(s) to keep me mindful or maybe help on my mindful acrostic, as I'm struggling to keep my wandering mind filled with positive, peaceful ponderings. (especially in the wee hours)