Monday, March 31, 2014


....... for the wind was against them. (Matthew 14:24, ESV)

Three weeks ago in Brooklyn, with 2 yr old Lucy, we experienced a "Winnie the Pooh" kind of day. Blustery! BIG winds! Cutting winds! Biting winds! Wind chill of 17º!
I wanted to "retreat" to books and an indoor tea party but......son Josh just bundled up Lucy and went forth, noting that in New York one doesn't give in to the weather, but "dresses" appropriately and rides it out. Just another "winds-day."

Winnie the Pooh: Happy "Winds-day", Piglet."
Piglet (being blown away) "Well... it isn't... very happy... f-for me."

Life can send winds that seem to blow against us. Strong winds that threaten to blow us over. Stormy seasons. Often, when that happens we have a "Piglet" approach of negativi-TEA.  But God....can use those storms to drive us to Himself-----with an increased intensity in our prayer life.

This was brought home to me this morning as I opened sweet Katya's email sent from Ukraine:

From one side it is such a hard time of uncertainty and inability to make plans and look into the future. It’s been hard for me to think and also explain to other people why we are bringing a new child into this world that can outburst with a war any minute. But from another side it’s a perfect time to practice out trust to God and to see how real our love and faithfulness to God. It a wonderful time when many Christians are expecting and looking thoroughly to see the Lord in each day! It’s a wonderful time when the Lord is stirring hunger and thirst for Him! It’s a wonderful time with many opportunities to be real in Christ and to show it to those who are close, by serving to them! So our nation and we, as a family, are very blessed as God is at work with us! HE is close and He is Real and Faithful!

Well said, Katya.
Truly a warm cuppa of good at-TEA-tude during one's "Tea With Thee" time can turn a blus-TEA-ry day into a "positive" event.