Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calgon............take me away

7/31-10 No I'm not at a spa--- Since a spa is out of the question, I’m just planning to soak in my tub for awhile. I've decided to use the last of 2 of my “special” bottles of shampoo----you know those really good ones that the upscale hotels/resorts provide. I only have ½ bottle of each, so my first coat will be with Cobb Lane B&B’s (Birmingham) very light sudsing. “The Sea” fragrance of Hotel Del Coronado’s (San Diego) mini-shampoo gel will wrap up my fragrant “splurge.”

These will have a way of opening my mind to memories that will fill my head with good thoughts----thus pushing out the anxieties lurking in the corner. Cobb Lane was a great B&B that I shared with my T-Cup friends last summer between my surgeries and Grandaddy’s funeral---very timely. Hotel Del offers its spa toiletries---if you’ve ever been there, enough said. If not, GO. Go with a high recommendation from me and my "Las Amigas."

I’m saving 2 full mini-bottles for next week’s suds and soak---Lemongrass Sage from the Brown Palace (Denver) and “fresh & clean” from the Greenbrier (West Virginia's top spot for amenities)----because I’ll be back at work with a full family agenda to be juggled on the side as the newlyweds visit and Mommar has surgery.

Today’s Jesus Calling gave me permission to let “Calgon, take me away.” “When you feel flustered or frazzled… overwhelm……Slow down your pace of living for a time. Quiet your mind in My Presence.”

Headin’ to the tub to do just that---with a headful of fragrant lather to wash out the worries and take my mind back to Him.