Thursday, July 17, 2014


It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. (Psalm 127:2, ESV)
I should have been spewing my cuppa futili-TEA all over the patio table these last few mornings---because I know better! I need to be sipping mugs of trust in Him.

But...these last few days I have been spinning---trying to get everything done. Up early, trouble even going to sleep and sometimes anxious thoughts begin again when I awaken for my nightly urine trek. 
I've been sipping from my very own cuppa futili-TEA as I've struggled in my own strength. 

Seeking the unattainable "perfection" of packing and preparation for our upcoming trip.

Goal oriented not God oriented.

But God....took me to task thru His word. He reminded me---once again, that He is in control.
Then, he sent help from hubby, goodies for the trip from one friend, and prayers from another that came via a 3:07 am email -- I'm awake praying that you are asleep. 

Tonight, no more working by the moonlight, I'm going to bed---packed or not because H gives to His beloved even in their sleep.