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1/24/12 It's official---Micah 6:8 is going to be my focused verse for 2012.
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
When it became part of Pastor Cole's message on January 15, I felt that strong NUDGE to take this verse to heart.
I also was convicted of not only a lack of kindness in my heart but also a need to get a better grasp on humility.
So....this week I'll be serving up a cup of humiliTEA for self and any readers needing to imbibe. Hopefully even our individual hearts will begin to absorb it.
For too long my life progressed in a carefully planned (by me) venture. Concentration was on accomplishment of goals, all usually written down, for self and children. Right times, right ways, always safe, always under control. (my control, so I thought) Lists were made, checked off (even prayer ones) and I moved on.
Then came a period of the realization of how off-course I was. What was I thinking?
God was in control----had always been and would always be. His will was being done. I needed to align my will with His. I needed to "walk humbly" with my God. Bendable and flexible for God's purposes. (Huffman, 1/15/12)
A cuppa of humiliTEA with a bit of humble pie sounds like a good start.