Wednesday, January 22, 2014


God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few. (Ecclesiastes 5:2)

Much time was spent this morning in God's Word. So much so, that when my phone rang at 12:20, I had to admit I was still in my gown-tail. (a Mama Davenport term) 
Yet, not one blog thought had been given. Not even a "tea" word. Was this the blog door closing? 

Verbose. Had I been writing too much? My desire has been to write in a "pithy with a punch" way? Were my own words overshadowing His truths?

Driving home from Bible Study tonight, I prayed, "Lord if you want me to blog today, please give me the words. they are.
  • Serve a cuppa brevi-TEA.
  • Pare it down and pour it out. 
  • Take truths from today's study & summarize.
There's a stark contrast between the godly who delight in God's Word and the ungodly who scoff at God. (Psalm 1) 
  • God's Word: Delight. Meditate. Follow.
God reveals Himself in nature and His Word as we "look" for Him. (Psalm 19) 
  • Look for God daily.
God's truths give completeness and purpose to life while wickedness centers on self without purpose. (Psalm 37) 
  • "Fret not!"
Pouring out only a 1/2 cuppa of all I learned today. 
Just enough. Sometimes brevi-TEA is best.