....by love serve one another. (Galatians 5:13, KJV)
Uptick seems to be the "buzz word" of the investment world. A transaction's improvement indicates an uptick. Stock market ratings measure it carefully.
Even in the field of education, it's all about the test scores known as value added assessment. Teachers are rated by the upticks of their students. If the teacher has done his duty, one should notice an uptick in those scores. Growth is the evidence.
What about one's spiritual duty? Can one's spiritual duty be rated on a spiritual scale. Can matters of the heart be rated by an uptick?
Certainly serving others is an investment in relationship and a pretty clear indicator of spiritual growth.
Those who love the Lord, serve others----it's just part of the continuum. Spiritual matters of the heart don't feel like a cuppa du-TEA or an uptick to be scored. Merely Spirit-fed and Spirit-led overflows of the heart. Duties of the heart are just blessings to be shared. Investing in others counts whether anyone is measuring or not.
In the end, it's the ultimate uptick. An eternal investment.