Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. (1 Peter 4:9, NIV)
I have a plethora of friends who have the gift of hospitality. Not only do they have this spiritual gift, but they use it often to bless others. They put it into practice as they share it with the Lord's people (Romans 12:13) and sometimes even strangers. (Hebrews 13:2)
With them it's not an option. Often for me, they even "tailor" their gift to my personal preferences.
"Would you like a cup of tea?" rolls off their tongues when I visit.
This day was no different as Ann, offered a warm cuppa for me as I walked in the door. Plus, it was a "new to me" tea---from Suttons of London. Probably a gift from Marika---it seems every "Martin" household has the same it's in their spiritual DNA.
Tea and a chat---a great cuppa hospitali-TEA served on a chilly day.