My sheep listen* to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27, NIV)
How appropriate to have a cuppa tea with a wooly sheep on it and read the day's Jesus Calling entry (4/22) and realize that I can be as deaf and hard-headed as sheep. That's why they (& I) NEED a shepherd! Sheep need to continually listen to their shepherd. Uh-h-h, me too!
"Mind spinning," according to Sarah Young, comes from a multitude of thoughts that block out God's voice. "No mind spinning" was written beneath my tornado sketch. That's what my whirring mind looks like to me as I try to make all things (people, places, & events) fit "my"plans, even God.
Too often, my mind reflects Young's words, "pre-occupied with planning,"---even in the night watches.
But it gets worse. Compulsive planning, is not only a form of bondage, it's an "idol of control."
I don't want any idols in my life---I didn't even consider that control (an extension of self) would be labled as such. To rid myself of this idolotry, I need to turn toward Him with a listening ear in order to "still" my "twist-TEA" turning thoughts and allow His voice to "control" my mind.
*NASB translated "hear" but I want to do more than hear-. I want to listen and recognize the voice as His and "respond" to it as the God's Word translates it.