Insomniacs unite---or at least share remedies for those who panic at the very thought of how little sleep they are getting.
I've tried many---trying to leave drug remedies on the shelf where they belong.
No digital 2 hours prior to bedtime. Same time every night. Be alert to your "window" of sleepy signs. Keep bed room cool. White noise. No noise. Back rubs from hubby. Relaxing breathing---deeply through the nose, hold & then exhale slowly to count of 7. Listen to the semi-boring book for the umpteenth time. Recite scripture. (Psalm 3:4-5, Psalm 4:8, Psalm 121:1-4, Proverbs 3:24, Matthew 6:34, Matthew 1:28-29, Philippians 4:6-7) Honestly, I love God's word & it excites me more than it calms me.
Recently I resorted to a "treat". insomnia cookies! It might be a little out of the box but warm cookies are "delivered" until 3 AM daily. Desperation ruled. My "moral failure & fear calculation" time is usually between 2 AM & 4 AM so those warm cookies would be timely.
I know God gives to His beloved, even as she sleeps. (Psalm 127:2)
I just wish He would give her sleep.
To be honest, the warm cookies & milk didn't work on my head---but at least my tummy felt better!