Art scattered all over Memphis--from Orange Mound & The Edge Medical District to Cooper Young, Overton Square and Beyond! What fun!
Here are five of my favorites of the 13 I saw before the rain came.
"Slaying of Medusa" (LucaGiordano) 3177 Summer Ave.-on west side of the building
"Reading by the Brook" (Winslow Homer) 959 S. Cooper on east side wall of Cafe Ole
"Windy Corner in Vera Cruz" (Carroll Cloar) 2571 Broad Avenue on west side wall
"Historic Encounter Between EH Crump & WC Handy on Beale Street" (Carroll Cloar)
1709 Lamar at Gloco Iron
"Gladys" (Abbott H. Thayer) 600 S Perkins on front wall facing west toward Theater Memphis
"Neighboring" has been on my church's radar lately and I so agree with that truth!
God has made from one blood, every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, (Acts 17:28)
God has placed me in Shelby County---the boundary of my dwellings for 50+ years has been Memphis.
I want to be positive about the city where he has placed me. Venturing "out and about" neighbor hoods in my own town has been a blessing for me as I have met others on these "ventures." From the lady in Cooper-Young, with whom I shared my info (when she saw me taking my favorite picture of the girl reading by the brook) became a time of gratitude and blessing to the 4 ladies and 1 little girl in the University of Memphis area, as hubby offered to take their picture, we all had a "POSITIVE" experience in the city where the Lord has placed us as we all had a blessed day!