Is "jumbled focus" an oxymoron? Or am I just the moron?
Wordsmiths know all about such contradictory terms.
For this moron, whose brain is in a state of "organized chaos" these days, some oxymorons seem to make sense.
But God, in His mercy and great love, (Ephesians 2:4) patiently reminds me to "keep on keeping on" in the focus realm.
Setting (and resetting as needed) my "mind on things above not on things that are on earth." (Colossians 3:2)
God has been cutting me some slack lately as I have been in such a "fluctuating" state of focus.
Maybe I, as well, need to "cut myself some slack" in the midst of this "jumbled focus" time---knowing "in quietness and trust is my strength!"