Thursday, April 19, 2012


4/19/12 If  you want to know the scoop on what to read, where to shop for…., or what’s on sale, etc. go to knitting at Drenda’s on Mondays. Those ladies are a wealth of information. They’re also nice---though they have all finished several 6” dolls for the Church Health Center, they still allow me to participate and I’m just now getting to the shoulder area on my first one.

At this week's gathering I got the “scoop” on an OTT. That’s a "must have" lamp for folks with eyes needing a little help. According to Sharon and Dren its white light helps one focus without a harsh glare and the details of a written page or a pair knitting needles become incredibly clear. So…..I drove immediately to Tuesday Morning because they were also “ON SALE.” Two words that resonate with this retiree.

This lamp does just as “advertised” by my knitting friends. It illumines with clearness more than just brightness. It’s bendable gooseneck directs the light right where I need it!!!
It helps me focus on my Bible and all those books that are right by my prayer chair---so that’s where I put it! Home décor folks beware---it might not blend with my traditional furniture but I don’t care! It meets my need!

It even shone brightly on that day’s (4/16/12) Upper Room entry, “A Lamp and A Light.” The title alone affirmed my decision but the real deal sealer was the verse.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
 and a light unto my path.  (Psalm 119:105)
God’s word is truly the lamp that lights the pathway I should follow.

My OTT literally gives perfect light that illumines God’s written word for me. But it’s the Holy Spirit that illumines my heart and gives understanding to those words, which my eyes can now see.