Wednesday, December 26, 2018


December 26, 2018
Wordsmith's have a passion for words. Well crafted text excites them.
They appreciate the power of words to inform and inspire. Often it's difficult to add a needed emotional punch with just words. That's where photography provides the picture that is worth a thousand words.
How does one describe two 51/2 month olds talking with "words"? Their garble and squeals have no "letters."
When the female participant in the conversation reaches for the other, how do words capture the emotions of the male participant as he's been punched in the eye, (albeit unintentionally), when he takes it very personally?
Hopefully, by the end of the day tomorrow, I will be able to reveal the identity of this little guy with words that will punch you in the stomach and tug at your heartstrings.
Tomorrow is his "Adoption Day".
A Fine Family of Four----FINALLY!!!