Friday, January 28, 2022


Grace notes continue......
God's grace saves.....stays......and transforms. (Buddy Liles, Allen Bible Church 1/23/22)
Grace is God's mercy with blessings. (Jen Pierce, Heart to Heart 1/26/22)
May my life reflect grace-driven living. (OB HOG prayer card #6)
Pithy with a punch to help us remember God's Grace.....and share it with others. (1 Peter 4:10)
.....Author Unknown--Source, Brother Buddy

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Do you grapple with grace? Not the refinement of movement grace but the acceptance of unmerited goodwill grace. God given grace. Grace one doesn't have to work for or earn but......accept. Susan D. my discipler/mentor saw in me a works-centered struggle, like in no other of her acquaintances. Why do I work so hard for approval from others or God's approval? From God, it's a free gift. 
Sarah Young's words describe Jesus' garment of grace as a robe of His righteousness with which He covers us from head to toe.  (Jesus Listens, January 24, p. 25) The robe's color is blood red. The ultimate free gift of salvation for those who accept it.

Is that kind of grace in your vocabulary? What is your native tongue? More importantly what is your spiritual language?


Be fluent in the language of grace. In today's culture grace is somewhat of a foreign language. Grace is the antithesis of our self-centered expressions.....whether communicating through words, gestures or actions. Allow others to see and hear your language of grace! (2 Corinthians 8:7)

BRACE FOR GRACE as you wait expectantly to see God's hand at work in those hard places life sends.
EMBRACE every place.
Draw near with confidence at His THRONE OF GRACE! (Hebrews 4:16)
GRAB GRACE.....don't let it pass you by because of guilt. 
PROPEL GRACE to others. (Jim Fleming, 1/23/22)


Tuesday, January 25, 2022


What a surprise!

Story to follow.............thanks to Jamie S. reminder that I had yet to tell the story,
When I first met these two sisters they were in junior high (not called middle school in those days).
I came to know them because I worked with their mom, Lilly, in 1967 at the Memphis State Pre-School/Kindergarten. I don't think it was called Children's School at that point. She took me right under her wing as did her husband, Fred. I spent a lot of time at their house on Quince. They shared their church home, First Evan, with me in later years and shared money with me by signing for  my first $50 loan to buy a mattress for my new apartment. After approving my prospective husband, Lilly and Fred showered us with a "couples" wedding shower.....and shared their daughters, Melody and Rachel, to be rice girls at our 1969 wedding.......driving all the way to Kentucky to be there for us. After telling us about Deep Creek in Bryson City, NC, they shared their inner tubes so we shouldn't have to pay for them. We used them for years as that "frugal" tubing vacation was the favorite of our children thru the years---even winning out over Disney. So far it's been a loved trip of 8 of our 9 grands. # 9 gets to go this year. 
We worked together each fall for years at the Orgill show slapping together sandwiches and laughing over Mr. Pacho Rabbane and other shared adventures.

Both daughters became nurses and made their parents proud.We've kept up with these girls ever since. Most recently we shared Melody's 65th birthday, "pulled off without a hitch by sister Rachel. What an accomplishment that was! What a fun surprise with Mexican food, Melody's favorite, and lots of quilting stories, reminiscing & laughter!!
How very special is this family to me and hubby too.
 It's no surprise to anyone who knew the  Laughlins that they showed Christ to us in every way. 
We'll be forever grateful! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


MY CUP OF TEA. A great idiom first used in Britain, of course. It's a an expression that typically presents a figurative, non-literal meaning.  If "My cup of tea" is representative of a negative it is preceded by not. As a positive "my cup of tea is indicative of one's preference, penchant, or propensity,

Of course when "not" precedes my cup of tea with a negative connotation, not my cup of tea seems a gentler way of expressing one's preference without the use of harsh or critical words.

MY CUPPA TEA---synonyms = affinity, choice/taste, druthers, orientation or preference,  
Even if something might not be your cup of tea, as a personal opinion , one can strive for unity over  any differences which are not areas of biblical perspicuity. Political parties. Pandemic protocol. Vaxx. Those are all negotiable.
  • A gentle word turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs. 15:1) 
  • Gentle words bring life and health.(not volume of one's voice or snide comments, DAL). perverseness breaks the spirit. (Proverbs. 15:4) 
  • Gracious (kind) words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.  (Proverbs. 16:24, NIV)
Get together for a cuppa tea and discuss your differing cups of tea....or just agree to disagree in love.

Saturday, January 15, 2022


I am always 4Memphis.  Memphis has been His choice for me for past 68 years!  
I also am 4Memphis during the pandemic....God determined Memphis during college days to this day as the boundaries of my dwelling place. (Acts 17:24-26) May I serve well where He has placed me even when others are fed up and disowning.
Jeremiah starts it all---at the top of every magazine issue of 4MEMPHIS  "From the Publisher" page of the magazine.
"Seek the Peace and Prosperity of the City in which I have placed you." (Jeremiah 29:7)

Such a worthy read in every publication I have seen.

Friday, January 14, 2022


How are you wired? Are you wired for God's purpose specifically "Younique" to you? How will you know?

God's Word reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.....that He knows the plans He has for us and He will guide our steps. That's how He designed us for the purpose He has called  us to as His children. 
Call unto Him and he will answer and show you the great & mighty ways He has wired you!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Heart problems---a diagnosis none of us like to hear. My cardiology appointment is the 25th of this month. Dr. Infeld, cardiologist, will deal with my physical condition.
What about the spiritual condition of one's heart! How does one "deal" with that?
Ask.....where am I spiritually on the heart spectrum?????
Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10, KJV)
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10, NIV)

No matter how you say it, assessment of one's heart condition is important and needs to begin with God and continue with encouragement & fellowship of friends.

Sunday, January 2, 2022


Resolution to Reality.
In Christ alone.

I resolve to return and finish this entry before 20023.

Saturday, January 1, 2022


......of course, at our house, New Year's Day looks virtually the same every year. 
All the Christmas decorations are down---that's a Gigi rule. (Mother)
Familiar.........from prayer chair with new devotional guides. 
Starting with...
Rose Parade.....Theme: Dream. Believe. Achieve.
I dream this: Rise. Shine. Read.
I believe this.....Jesus Teaches!
Greens, Blacked-eyed Peas & Cornbread
Jesus Listens for morning prayer and evening gratitude journal, Dear God, today I am thankful for.

From beginning to end, it's the way New Year's day is in this traditional Southern household!