I am especially drawn to prayer on Saturday mornings but today I was restless and distracted by so many “looming” problems---longings, hurts, frustrations, questions, stressors. So I picked up my head then picked up “My Utmost” and was convicted that I have a choice---to nourish God’s life in me with prayer or starve that life. Not prayer as a means of getting for myself. (or maybe even for others) Prayer as a means of getting to know him. I need to come with the “splendid audacity of a child,” give God elbow room and allow prayer to change me.
Be yourself before God and present your problems, the things you know you have come to your wits' end over. As long as you are self-sufficient, you do not need to ask God for anything. (MUFHH, 8/28)Audacious approach to asking is AAA in my thinking and triple A, in my mind, is a “rescue” logo. This morning I had the audacity to ask the Lord to rescue me from my self and to nourish His life within me.