Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Escape Rooms are prevalent in our area. I've been to two different ones. Each time I could not wait to get out. 
Escape Rooms tend to have a cloud of "C" words. Competition! Claustrophobia! Two nouns not favored by me.
Much in the Escape Room is recognizable---books, puzzles, desk, chair, even color of fabrics or area rugs. But not the clue needed to unlock the door.
My mind has been similar to those experiences lately. Much familiar resides there but NAMES seemed to be locked up tight! 
Recently driving by a street off Poplar, I knew it led to a another street, whose name I knew, a 2-story house I would recognize, the occupations of the UM professors I once knew who lived there & their son's face came to mind. But......nary a name of any of the three.
Why are names so difficult to recall these days? Is it on an "age-related disease" list? 
Forgetfulness? Dementia?
Even hubby had an episode recently---unable to recall daughter's name or any of his grandkids. His diagnosis was Transient Global Amnesia and is a temporary ailment.
The good news is that the One who created us knows not only our name, but says "Fear not....(and) summons us by name saying, you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1) He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out." (John 10:3) He also calls the stars by name. (Psalm 148:3)
Our Lord has access to all things and and shares with us according to His will and good purpose. We (I) need to trust Him as my memory is sometimes locked in!