Wednesday, June 11, 2014


As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. (Psalm 42:1. NIV)

Not only does a deer long for water, so does my forsythia!

Desiring a big POP of yellow sunshine at the end of the driveway, I planted a forsythia. Nothing "pops" YELLOW in a landscape quite like this bush.
According to Mother, a forsythia requires sunshine and lots of room to spread as  it grows---"don't contain or shape it, Dotsy. Let it shape itself." Words from long ago that still ring in my head.
Before God sent the rain, I, and hubby, watered it faithfully, or so we thought. It still looked wil-TEA to us----like it needed a big cuppa fresh water. Even my "master gardener neighbor," Lynda used my same term. "Your forsythia really is looking mighty wilty."

Then, the rains came.

Washed by water from the heavens, my forsythia perked up.
I feel the same way when I've been "washed with water (from God) through the word." (Ephesians 5:26)
Cleansed. Refreshed. Perked up.

That's why one's wilting soul "pants" after the Living Water. The One who offers the drink of living water assures us that when we drink deeply, we will never thirst again. (John 4:14)

No more wilting for those who drink from His cuppa.