Psalm 73:28 reminds us "it is good to be near God."
The verse continues, "I have made the Lord God my Refuge." Psalm 46:10 expands the thought giving understanding of the resulting strength that comes to one who chooses the nearness of God as a refuge. When I "move away" from that nearness, I suffer, as do others around me.
I know because I have chosen my own strength these past weeks and thus failed miserably!
Control. Dread. Fear. Insensitivity. Ire. Irritability. By-products of my own life when I move away from the warmth of His love,
As a new year approaches, I hope to change my direction moving closer to Him. May I allow that nearness of Him, to not only give me refuge but His strength as well.
Nearness to Him is the essential for Christ-like living.