Sometimes a day off from distractions, a fast of sorts, is helpful in seeking direction.
One of the results was a tweak and a sharing!
Fellowship---think "glue of God" for believers.
Many of us have lots of friends. Often among friendships there are boundaries or commonalities. Caregiver companions. College chums.
Work friends. Work-out buddies. Or today---a true commonality.
A common cause of service to others out of love to our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am a companion
of all who fear you,
of those who keep your precepts. (Psalm 119:63)
Fellowship. Believers together regardless of the time or place. At the Home or Regions Bank.
Sharing and caring are the manifestations of such a fellowship; it's life sharing!
“Exercising with one another.” Not at just at a gym or on a walk. Fellowship, is essential for growth, from physical to spiritual!
Fellowship, sharing time in God's word laced with prayer enabling us physically coming alongside others in their struggles of life ---Our folks. Being there is an important earthly exercise with an eternal result. (Acts 2:42, 44)
So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding. (Romans 14:19) Mutual Upbuilding sounds like fellowship to me! Fellowship without grumbling.
You. Me! We!! Thee!!!---the BEST UNITY!
Fellowship is fun! Fellowship is more than fun!
Fellowship is the blending of thoughts, words and actions as we live together in the Truth we know! The One who is the TRUTH.
Fellowship is a solidarity of like-minded, yet uniquely gifted, believers as we align our hearts with God the Father through Jesus His Son and His Spirit within each of us.
REMEMBER>>>A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.(Proverbs 29:7)
FELLOWSHIP = FRIENDSHIP PLUS! A step above all the rest!
Fellowship of believers bound through the blood of Christ.
A relationship where heart speaks to heart!
May our God and Father Himself and our Lord Jesus Christ…make your love increase and overflow for each other (fellowship) & for everyone else whom you serve. (1Thessalonians 3:11-12) To lend a hand
Today may we magnify the LORD & exalt His Name forever! (Psalms 34:3)
To God be the glory in our KDS FELLOWSHIP. Amen!