Friday, May 1, 2015


It took me so long to figure out TBT that it's already Friday. TBT is NOT "friends breaking ties" as I first found.
Throwback Thursday it is. Thanks daughter, for explaining to "your" mama. 
Computerese and #hashtag talk is not for the faint of heart. We, Medicare Mamas, need a dictionary devoted to these tech buzzwords.  Of course, it would have to on-line because words come and go so quickly. We'd need clickable access to a bit of meta data.
All that aside, here' my TBT image, circa 1950. (Baby brother Bobby, 4/2/51, had not arrived yet.)
I assume it's Easter. Not only am I wearing a corsage but I also have on a coat. Another indicator that it's Easter, and not Mother's Day, is that "big brother" Buddy does not have the requisite red rose in his lapel. Roses were always "cut" and worn on Mother's Day. Years later, the first Mother's Day after Mother died, I "cut" and wore a white rose in her memory.
This particular TBT image was chosen because in less than a week, brother Buddy and I will be traveling cross country with our spouses. We'll be together on Mother's Day. I might have to put a rose in his lapel.