Friday, August 2, 2013


Great because a great God created them----one look verifies this!
He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth-- the LORD God Almighty is his name. (Amos 4:13)
Smoky---Heading to east TN through Newfound Gap, we had more than the wispy smoky fog. We had a "view obstructing" gray drizzly mist. But I took a picture anyway because the Texans daddy had his picture taken in that very spot when he was the same age as his oldest, Nathan, who is 11. Seemed appropriate.
"Blue Smoke" in the Smoky Mountains
God Made the Montains, the hymn I sang around the campfire with fellow teen MYF-ers at Camp Loucon, (a Christian Camp, near Leithchfield, KY) came to mind as we all stood gazing at the Great Smoky Mountains. 
God made the mountains.
God made the rolling hills.
God made the flowers.
God made the daffodils.
God made every tree.
God made you and me.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

So glad tha t my three oldest grands are going to  Pine Cove Summer Camp in 2 weeks. Maybe they'll learn the same song and it will remind them of their recent "family" camping trip to Deep Creek in the Great Smoky Mountains.
John Parker is still looking for the view through the smoky gray mist.