Friday, November 2, 2012


11/2/12 In his book, Meeting God in Quiet Places, F. LaGard Smith tells of meeting God on his daily meanderings through the footpaths of the Cotswolds. It’s in these quiet places that Smith found refreshment for his soul and insight into the very heart of God.

Where do you meet God?
Is there a place that draws you to Him?

Scripture reminds us that if we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. (James 4:8)
In the summer months, my red Adirondack chairs beckon me. Two chairs side-by- side. I call them the “Thy and my” chairs---because I seek to hear from Him there---through prayers, reading and meditating upon scripture, and by simply being still. Listening and waiting upon Him---hard to do at times because, for me, even the quiet can get LOUD! Yet, it’s during those times of being still that I most often receive clear impressions of a message the Lord might be trying to teach me.
Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46-10a)
In the colder months, my prayer chair beckons me. Again it’s a place that draws me to stop and get to know Him better. It hasn’t always been that way---even though said chair was in a very visible place. My heart was not as attuned to Him. 

I was “caught up short” on this week’s neighborhood walk when I saw two Adirondack chairs that could have once been used as "Thee and Me" chairs---but no longer. They looked as if all human contact had deserted them. It was a telling, gripping tableau for me. When we draw near to God, He is always there BUT when we don’t show up, signs of destruction are everywhere.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8)
Don’t let your space for meeting with God get shoved aside. Such a space for peaceful intimacy with God is crucial for facing the onslaught of one’s busy lifestyle.
Abandoned. Dusty. Falling apart. Overgrown with weeds that block the beauty.
Where do you meet for quiet connection with God?. Your answer to this question speaks volumes about your spiritual life.