Tuesday, May 21, 2024


There's always much to learn on a "Teaching Tuesday." Today was a time of reflecting on a re-learning that needed to occur based on a recent faux pas.

My hurry-scurry "get it done" pace trampled my grace-pace. Reflection was needed for learning. Reflection takes time. Time adjusted from self-centered, people pleasing accomplishments to God-Centered time. 
I am yours, O Lord. May nothing touch my heart more than your love and acceptance. 
I need a breather from "doing." A lesson in mercy-math requires time.
Recounting God's acts of goodness and mercy, even severe mercy, were my "Teaching Tuesday" focus. 

Re-learning, has me remembering that the Lord loves me the way that I am, and all work is his work. His grace in me and through me fulfills His purpose for me---not self-aggrandizement or personal peace without interruptions. 

Yesterday, as I walked by the practically empty office on our new pastor's first day, "on the job," I peeked in to say, " welcome"....or was it more like barging in to interrupt his time of peace and reflection?  Regardless, he jumped right up with a smile on his face. 

Lesson learned from this brilliant, thoughtful, energetic, kind and courteous young man.

Lessons of grace from Pace to this old lady. 
His Grace-Pace shows how much I have left to learn about responding first to others over self.