Friday, March 20, 2020


HAPPY 7 months BIRTHDAY ---To Marigold aka Goldie and Gogo.
Too cute not to enlarge so her smiles can spread smiles to all of us!
Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children! (Proverbs17:6)


"Plop and Drop" is not usually the best way to study God's words.
But....this past week as "State of Emergency" was declared by our President, I have been using a "stack and attack" method along with my regular quiet times of study and prayers.
During this time of isolation, recommended by the CDC to prevent spread of the coronavirus, hubby declared he had "tested positive" for boredom. Not wanting to give-in to that, I've been reading a different devotional each day---sometimes 2. It's amazing how my eyes have been opened to these familiar entries with new insight.
Have a look at what truths I have seen. Glean truth from them as you read my impressions (sometimes w/ emphasis) or read entire entry if you have that devotional book.
3/13~All to Jesus~We can trust Him with loose ends and unsolved problems ....He expects us to depend on HIm with life's outstanding problems. 
3/14~Streams in the Desert~Do not fear these unknown things, but be content to accept the things you cannot understand and to wait. (Exodus 20:21)
3/15~My Utmost for His Highest~ As they followed, they were afraid. (Mark 10:32)" When darkness of dismay comes, endure until it's over, because out of it will come that following of Jeuss which is unspeakable joy." 
3/16~God Calling~ "My children I am here beside you. Draw near in Spirit to me. Shut out the distractions of the World. In quietness and confidence will be your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)
3/17~St. Patrick's Prayer portions (Allen Bible)~I arise today with God's strength to pilot me; God's might to hold me, God's wisdom to guide me, God's eye to look before me--Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,  Christ on my right. Christ on my left,  Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I rise....
3/18~Jesus Calling~ Don't get tangled up in...worry- websTrust me one day at a time. Do not be anxious about tomorrow,....Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble (Matthew 6:34) The next entry stated, "Let the Spirit change your mind , combing out tangles of deception."
3/19~Practically Holy~"Hope rises. out the hope of the gospel even in the face of stress and loss, and grimness of this place. ...but I trust God. I choose to hope in God". (Colossians 1:22-23)

3/20~Edges of HIs Ways, I spent lots of time this morning meditating on passage from 2 Chronicles 7:10-16.  As I finished that time of meditation I picked-up Amy Carmichael' daily devotional notes. She began the March 20 entry with a question, "Have you ever noticed this? Whatever need or trouble you are in, there is always something to help you in your Bible, if only you go on reading till you come to the word God specially has for you." Carmichael continued, You will know it the minute you come to it, and it will rest your heart." The words I found this morning during my quiet time had done just that...."humble self, pray and seek God's face....He will hear from heaven and heal our land." 
It was as if I had received a God wink of affirmation for my "attack the stack" endeavor this week.                     
It's been fun trying a new way to "attack the stack" as a way of refocusing on the Lord anew each day!