Saturday, November 15, 2014

Op-TEA-mistic Cuppa

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 
(1 Timothy 2:1, ESV)

Some things just keep me "in the pink." "In the pink," as an idiom, can indicate good health---either physical or emotional. I would add spiritual as well, though the Free Dictionary does not include that aspect.
In 2009, I was sent to Texas to start my cancer journey with every "pink" goodie imaginable which was great for my emotional well being, from bedding and jammies to pink journals and a pink Bible--thanks to the generosity of my H2H Bible study group.
During my cancer surgeries prayer support from my community of faith kept me "in the pink" spiritually.....which spilled over into the physical aspect as well.
Some days a good start to my day can have me feeling "in the pink." A good night's sleep. Time with the Lord. A brisk cuppa. Even a crossword puzzle can seem to start my day with an "op-TEA-mistic cuppa.
But has shown me that true hope (an op-TEA-mistic cuppa) comes from relying, with confidence, on His Word. Not my fluctuating feelings.
At times, when it has been difficult to start my day with optimism....for our nation, my friends and others who are in difficult, if not dire circumstances, I have to wholly cling to the "anchor" of His word, as I pray for others. Not trusting in what I "see" or feel, which I can be prone to do, but by placing my trust solely in His Word.
A cuppa op-TEA-mism is all the "warmer" for our soul, when our sight and feelings begin to fail and we allow our faith to refill our life's cup.