9/5/10 A right neighborly thing to do was the phrase that Daddy once used when an unknown "neighbor" left tomatoes on his front porch with an unsigned note. The note simply said, “Enjoy with your daughter.” He used it in 2001 to describe Thelma bringing bread to us after Mother died. Yesterday he used that phrase to describe Miss Ann driving Nello to the doctor. Nello, suffering with macular degeneration, could no longer see well enough to drive. Daddy probably used the adjective, right, to mean somewhat. To me it was an adjective that described acts that were correct and morally good---acts that all God-fearing neighbors should emulate. A "right neighborly thing to do" is a manifestation of the “golden rule”---a “do unto others” mentality that comes straight from scripture.
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. (Luke 6:31, KJV)
Even if the acts aren’t reciprocal, acts of kindness are still a “right neighborly thing to do.” All of us should go and do likewise.
“What right neighborly thing have I done lately” is what I’m asking myself. Better yet, I should ask, "What right neighborly thing can I do today?"